Questions & Theories in UT & US Thanatos

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Ok so i have an interesting theory.

This video, called "Prank Gone Wrong" is from the Dusttrust ost. It has papyrus motifs in it and by the looks of the description i think its for phase 3. Go click article to see my theory.

Prank Gone Wrong
ARE WE THERE YET?* no.ARE WE THERE YET?* no.ARE WE THERE YET?Composer: LeminadeArtist: GOing42DUSTTRUST by KasssmLeminade's Soundcloud Pagehttps://soundcloud...

Is papyrus being remade aswell

Will you ever get verified @ari7 and will dusttrust be on steam?

When the first "final" attack of phase 2 finishes (the one where sans goes brr) does papyrus appear (and attack you) and then the second part starts? (papy dissapears)

Before the final section of Phase 3, do you end up slashing Papyrus like in the second scrapped version?

At phase 2, frisk got mad and started alucinating papyruses

is sans dialogue gonna change again? or is sky's sans dialogue already finalized. im just wondering tbh

Will DUSTTRUST Sans have two and possibly more phases or just one?

the cheese was stolen

is the Q&A shoe-eating video still underway?